
Rain Forest

For more than twenty years, the Rainforest Alliance has worked to protect biodiversity, the rights and well-being of workers and local communities. As an international organization, it collaborates with farmers, forestry producers and tourism professionals around the world, developing practices that protect water, soil, wildlife habitat and forest ecosystems. Fields and forests that meet the extensive Rainforest Alliance standards qualify for the seal of approval, which is widely recognized by businesses and consumers in the Americas, Asia and Europe.


Global Gap

It is a set of internationally recognized standards on good agricultural, livestock and aquaculture practices. With this certification, farmers, fish farmers and farmers can demonstrate that they meet the requirements of this demanding standard.

For consumers and distributors, the GlobalGAP certificate is a guarantee that food complies with the established quality and safety levels, and that it has been prepared according to sustainability criteria, respecting the safety, hygiene and welfare of workers, the environment environment, and taking into account respect for animals. Without this guarantee, agricultural products may be hampered in some markets.

GlobalGAP has established itself as a mandatory standard, since most European distributors demand it to demonstrate that good practices in the agri-food sector are being met. Companies in the horticultural, livestock and fish farming sectors that produce food for human consumption must obtain this certification so that their distributors can sell their products.



The “Tesco Nature’s Choice” standard is a requirement for producers who supply Tesco with fresh fruits and vegetables. It ensures the best agricultural practices in the production of fresh products.
Since 1992, it has required suppliers of fruit, vegetables and salads in the United Kingdom to comply with its scheme, which establishes safety, quality and environmental standards in production.

The seven pillars of Nature’s Choice are:

  • Rational use of plant protection products.
    Rational use of fertilizers and fertilizers.
    Contamination prevention.
    Protection of human health.
    Rational use of energy, water and other natural resources.
    Recycling and reuse of material.
    Conservation and improvement of flora, fauna and landscape.


Global G.a.p. GRASP

GRASP means GLOBAL G.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice.

GRASP is a voluntary module developed to assess social practices on the farm, addressing specific aspects of workers’ health, safety and welfare.

Considering social aspects, GLOBAL GAP has developed GRASP add on module which can be assessed together with the GLOBAL G.A.P. audit.  The GRASP assessment is valid for one year and assessments are conducted annually.

GRASP helps producers establish a good social management system on their farms. It offers buyers added assurance. And it helps protect one of the farm’s most important resources: its people.


  1. Improves your farm social management system.
  2. Reduces costs of fluctuation, accidents and breakdowns as it supports clear communication.
  3. It demonstrates your commitment to social responsibility.
  4. It raises your standing among suppliers and buyers.
  5. It reduces your risk for social non-compliances.

our community

work safety

  • Emergency plan. 
  • Occupational health and safety management system. 
  • Recording of accident and incident investigation. 
  • Diagnostic report of risk conditions and basic environmental sanitary conditions in workplaces. 
  • Procedure for each agricultural worker according to their different functions.